[flashrom] [PATCH 3/4] add printing of chip voltage ranges to print.c

Stefan Tauner stefan.tauner at student.tuwien.ac.at
Sat Jun 4 09:32:18 CEST 2011

besides adding output for the voltage ranges, this patch also changes
various aspects of the -L output:
- sizes are right aligned now with a fixed length of 5
- test results are always shown in the same column ("PR" and " R"
  instead of "PR" and "R ")
- get rid of POS_PRINT and digits
- wideness reductions on the whole with a remarkable detail:
  vendor names are split on '/' and spread over mutliple lines

Signed-off-by: Stefan Tauner <stefan.tauner at student.tuwien.ac.at>
 print.c |  148 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/print.c b/print.c
index 5d1b449..35af208 100644
--- a/print.c
+++ b/print.c
@@ -59,27 +59,16 @@ char *flashbuses_to_text(enum chipbustype bustype)
 	return ret;
-#define POS_PRINT(x) do { pos += strlen(x); msg_ginfo(x); } while (0)
-static int digits(int n)
-	int i;
-	if (!n)
-		return 1;
-	for (i = 0; n; ++i)
-		n /= 10;
-	return i;
 static void print_supported_chips(void)
-	int okcol = 0, pos = 0, i, chipcount = 0;
+	int i, chipcount = 0;
 	int maxvendorlen = strlen("Vendor") + 1;
 	int maxchiplen = strlen("Device") + 1;
+	int maxtypelen = strlen("Type") + 1;
 	const struct flashchip *f;
+	const char *delim ="/";
+	char *tmp_ven_str;
+	int tmp_ven_len;
 	char *tmp_bus_str;
 	for (f = flashchips; f->name != NULL; f++) {
@@ -87,12 +76,26 @@ static void print_supported_chips(void)
 		if (!strncmp(f->name, "unknown", 7))
-		maxvendorlen = max(maxvendorlen, strlen(f->vendor));
+		tmp_ven_str = (char *)f->vendor;
+		do {
+			msg_gspew("tmp_ven_str=%s, ", tmp_ven_str);
+			tmp_ven_len = strcspn(tmp_ven_str, delim);
+			msg_gspew("tmp_ven_len=%d, ", tmp_ven_len);
+			maxvendorlen = max(maxvendorlen, tmp_ven_len);
+			msg_gspew("new maxvendorlen=%d\n", maxvendorlen);
+			tmp_ven_str += tmp_ven_len;
+		} while (tmp_ven_len != 0);
 		maxchiplen = max(maxchiplen, strlen(f->name));
+		tmp_bus_str = flashbuses_to_text(f->bustype);
+		maxtypelen = max(maxtypelen,
+				 strlen(flashbuses_to_text(f->bustype)));
+		free(tmp_bus_str);
-	maxvendorlen++;
-	maxchiplen++;
-	okcol = maxvendorlen + maxchiplen;
+	maxvendorlen += 1;
+	maxchiplen += 1;
+	maxtypelen += 1;
 	msg_ginfo("Supported flash chips (total: %d):\n\n", chipcount);
@@ -102,10 +105,21 @@ static void print_supported_chips(void)
 	for (i = strlen("Device"); i < maxchiplen; i++)
 		msg_ginfo(" ");
-	msg_ginfo("Tested   Known    Size/kB:  Type:\n");
-	for (i = 0; i < okcol; i++)
+	msg_ginfo("Test Known Size ");
+	msg_ginfo("Type");
+	for (i = strlen("Type"); i < maxtypelen; i++)
+		msg_ginfo(" ");
+	msg_gdbg("Voltage");
+	msg_ginfo("\n");
+	for (i = 0; i < maxvendorlen + maxchiplen; i++)
 		msg_ginfo(" ");
-	msg_ginfo("OK       Broken\n\n");
+	msg_ginfo("OK   Broken [kB]");
+	for (i = 0; i < maxtypelen; i++)
+		msg_ginfo(" ");
+	msg_gdbg("range [V]");
+	msg_ginfo("\n\n");
 	msg_ginfo("(P = PROBE, R = READ, E = ERASE, W = WRITE)\n\n");
 	for (f = flashchips; f->name != NULL; f++) {
@@ -113,50 +127,90 @@ static void print_supported_chips(void)
 		if (!strncmp(f->name, "unknown", 7))
-		msg_ginfo("%s", f->vendor);
-		for (i = strlen(f->vendor); i < maxvendorlen; i++)
+		/* support for multiline vendor names:
+		 * - make a copy of the original vendor name
+		 * - use strok to put the next token in tmp_ven_str repeatedly
+		 * - keep track of the last token's length for ' '-padding
+		 */
+		tmp_ven_str = malloc(strlen(f->vendor) + 1);
+		if (tmp_ven_str == NULL) {
+			msg_gerr("Out of memory!\n");
+			exit(1);
+		}
+		strcpy(tmp_ven_str, f->vendor);
+		tmp_ven_str = strtok(tmp_ven_str, delim);
+		msg_ginfo("%s", tmp_ven_str);
+		tmp_ven_len = strlen(tmp_ven_str);
+		tmp_ven_str = strtok(NULL, delim);
+		while (tmp_ven_str != NULL) {
+			msg_ginfo("%s\n%s", delim, tmp_ven_str);
+			tmp_ven_len = strlen(tmp_ven_str);
+			tmp_ven_str = strtok(NULL, delim);
+		}
+		for (i = tmp_ven_len; i < maxvendorlen; i++)
 			msg_ginfo(" ");
 		msg_ginfo("%s", f->name);
 		for (i = strlen(f->name); i < maxchiplen; i++)
 			msg_ginfo(" ");
-		pos = maxvendorlen + maxchiplen;
 		if ((f->tested & TEST_OK_MASK)) {
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_OK_PROBE))
-				POS_PRINT("P ");
+				msg_ginfo("P");
+			else
+				msg_ginfo(" ");
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_OK_READ))
-				POS_PRINT("R ");
+				msg_ginfo("R");
+			else
+				msg_ginfo(" ");
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_OK_ERASE))
-				POS_PRINT("E ");
+				msg_ginfo("E");
+			else
+				msg_ginfo(" ");
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_OK_WRITE))
-				POS_PRINT("W ");
-		}
-		while (pos < okcol + 9) {
-			msg_ginfo(" ");
-			pos++;
-		}
+				msg_ginfo("W ");
+			else
+				msg_ginfo("  ");
+		} else
+			msg_ginfo("     ");
 		if ((f->tested & TEST_BAD_MASK)) {
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_BAD_PROBE))
-				POS_PRINT("P ");
+				msg_ginfo("P");
+			else
+				msg_ginfo(" ");
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_BAD_READ))
-				POS_PRINT("R ");
+				msg_ginfo("R");
+			else
+				msg_ginfo(" ");
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_BAD_ERASE))
-				POS_PRINT("E ");
+				msg_ginfo("E");
+			else
+				msg_ginfo(" ");
 			if ((f->tested & TEST_BAD_WRITE))
-				POS_PRINT("W ");
-		}
+				msg_ginfo("W ");
+			else
+				msg_ginfo("  ");
+		} else
+			msg_ginfo("     ");
-		while (pos < okcol + 18) {
-			msg_ginfo(" ");
-			pos++;
-		}
-		msg_ginfo("%d", f->total_size);
-		for (i = 0; i < 10 - digits(f->total_size); i++)
-			msg_ginfo(" ");
+		msg_ginfo("%5d ", f->total_size);
 		tmp_bus_str = flashbuses_to_text(f->bustype);
 		msg_ginfo("%s", tmp_bus_str);
+		for (i = strlen(tmp_bus_str);
+		     i < maxtypelen;
+		     i++)
+			msg_ginfo(" ");
+		if (f->voltage.min == 0 && f->voltage.max == 0)
+			msg_gdbg("no info");
+		else
+			msg_gdbg("%0.02f;%0.02f",
+			       f->voltage.min/(double)1000,
+			       f->voltage.max/(double)1000);

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