[flashrom] AT25DF161 erase failed on ft2232_spi

Hatim Kanchwala hatim at hatimak.me
Mon Jun 13 13:44:19 CEST 2016

On Sunday 12 June 2016 09:04 PM, Алексей Елсаков wrote:
> Hello, Flashrom developers!
> I'am trying to flash Atmel AT25DF161 EEPROM with ft2232h_spi programmer.
> My hardware is "FT2232H Breakout board" by DangerousPrototypes -
> http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/FT2232_breakout_board
> IC is soldered to board with wires ~3cm length.
> using latest flashrom v0.9.9-r1954 form SVN, IC reads well, but erasing
> failed - see logs.
> after erasing fail, IC content looks like this:
> with SST 25VF512, Winbond 25X80VSIC, Macronix MX25L8005 this flashrom
> and programmer works well.
> what should I do?
Hi Alexey,

Based on the logs that you've sent, your chip had some write protection 
in place and flashrom successfully disabled it. The erase functions 
defined in flashrom for your chip is correct as per datasheet 

My theory as to why erase failed for your chip is that some 64kB 
sector(s) must be locked down, meaning that they have become permanently 
read-only. Attempting to program or erase such a sector is a cause of 
command failure.

I have attached a patch that can help verify this theory. Please apply 
the patch locally, build, test and resend the verbose log to the mailing 


Kind regards,

> /--
> best regards,
> Alexey Elsakov /mailto:alexey at yelsakov.ru
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